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Dick Appointment Coupon

Congratulations! You have a received a coupon valid to be redeemed at any time for "1 Free Dick Appointment". This coupon may be reused any day at any hour.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Upon presenting this coupon the participant agrees/consents to some or all of the following actions: intimate foreplay activities, light choking, spanking, and intense climatic endings as needed.

Expires: December 31, 2099


Dick Appointment Coupon

Congratulations! You have a received a coupon valid to be redeemed at any time for "1 Free Dick Appointment". This coupon may be reused any day at any hour.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Upon presenting this coupon the participant agrees/consents to some or all of the following actions: intimate foreplay activities, light choking, spanking, and intense climatic endings as needed.

Expires: December 31, 2099

