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10% off your next order!

10% off anything in the catalog including sets and individual items. No limits or minimums. Coupon only redeemable through: Cheryl Stotts Independent Director. Please call/text 614-440-0816 to redeem.

If you host a “catalog show” you can get free products!!!!!!! Call for details: 614-440-0816

Expires: December 31, 2015

Pampered Chef

3325 Deserette Lane
Columbus, Ohio 43224

10% off your next order!

10% off anything in the catalog including sets and individual items. No limits or minimums. Coupon only redeemable through: Cheryl Stotts Independent Director. Please call/text 614-440-0816 to redeem.

If you host a “catalog show” you can get free products!!!!!!! Call for details: 614-440-0816

Expires: December 31, 2015

Pampered Chef

3325 Deserette Lane
Columbus, Ohio 43224
