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5% OFF your next rental order of $100.00 or more.

Valid through June 30th, 2018. Receive 5% off your next order of $100.00 or more when you pay for your order in full at the time of booking. Order can be booked for any future date but must be booked and paid in full by date of expiration.

Expires: June 30, 2018

MCM Party Rentals

3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90034

5% OFF your next rental order of $100.00 or more.

Valid through June 30th, 2018. Receive 5% off your next order of $100.00 or more when you pay for your order in full at the time of booking. Order can be booked for any future date but must be booked and paid in full by date of expiration.

Expires: June 30, 2018

MCM Party Rentals

3415 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90034
