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$50 off a 40lb Case of Hoven Farms Ground Beef

This Coupon entitles you, a visitor of the EcoFair in Red Deer, to receive a $50 discount off a $350 40lb case of Hoven Farms Ground Beef for the March 15 delivery! Check us out at www.hovenfarms.com.

Expires: March 17, 2016

Hoven Farms

RR #3
Eckville, Alberta T0M0X0

$50 off a 40lb Case of Hoven Farms Ground Beef

This Coupon entitles you, a visitor of the EcoFair in Red Deer, to receive a $50 discount off a $350 40lb case of Hoven Farms Ground Beef for the March 15 delivery! Check us out at www.hovenfarms.com.

Expires: March 17, 2016

Hoven Farms

RR #3
Eckville, Alberta T0M0X0
