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20% OFF your next purchase with Taylor!

Thank you for visiting me at Golden Renaissance Jewellers! I would like to offer you a 20% OFF coupon for your next purchase with me to express my gratitude! I am so excited about your new earrings, and I hope you can rest better without getting poked and prodded by an ear-wire! :)

Expires: August 03, 2019

Golden Renaissance Jewellers

2591 Crain Hwy
Waldorf, Maryland 20646

20% OFF your next purchase with Taylor!

Thank you for visiting me at Golden Renaissance Jewellers! I would like to offer you a 20% OFF coupon for your next purchase with me to express my gratitude! I am so excited about your new earrings, and I hope you can rest better without getting poked and prodded by an ear-wire! :)

Expires: August 03, 2019

Golden Renaissance Jewellers

2591 Crain Hwy
Waldorf, Maryland 20646
