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One (1) Fine Dining Experience™ at the Establishment of Your Choosing

The holders of this tree-based construction (hereafter referred to as "coupon") are entitled to the consumption of combustible carbon-based mass (hereafter referred to as "food") from a purveyor thereof that they themselves may select from those in existence at the time of redemption. Upon redemption, the holders are indemnified against any ruthless demands made by the aforementioned purveyor for sand dollars or other forms of capital.

Expires: January 23, 4567

Et al. & Sons Supper Club and Law Firms

1 Hitthe Rd.
Slicker City, State of Confusion 56092

One (1) Fine Dining Experience™ at the Establishment of Your Choosing

The holders of this tree-based construction (hereafter referred to as "coupon") are entitled to the consumption of combustible carbon-based mass (hereafter referred to as "food") from a purveyor thereof that they themselves may select from those in existence at the time of redemption. Upon redemption, the holders are indemnified against any ruthless demands made by the aforementioned purveyor for sand dollars or other forms of capital.

Expires: January 23, 4567

Et al. & Sons Supper Club and Law Firms

1 Hitthe Rd.
Slicker City, State of Confusion 56092
