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$5 off any case or charger

*Come in to our store and show this advertisement to your sales advocate and instantly get $5 off any case or charger with a purchase of a new activation. (Sales Advocate please see Store Manager on how to discount the case)

This is only valid at Cricket on I Road and 495 #126

Expires: April 10, 2016

Cricket Wireless

1618 N. Veterans Blvd, Ste P
San Juan, Texas 78577

$5 off any case or charger

*Come in to our store and show this advertisement to your sales advocate and instantly get $5 off any case or charger with a purchase of a new activation. (Sales Advocate please see Store Manager on how to discount the case)

This is only valid at Cricket on I Road and 495 #126

Expires: April 10, 2016

Cricket Wireless

1618 N. Veterans Blvd, Ste P
San Juan, Texas 78577
